2022: Year In Review
As we wave goodbye to 2022, our team at Premier Bee Products has been reflecting on what has been the company’s greatest year of growth yet.
We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work with beekeepers across the country and globe. In our opinion, there is no greater industry to work in.
Here are some of the top highlights from the past year here at Premier Bee.
Top left: Hives for Heroes conference in Lincoln, Nebraska, on March 5, 2022. Bottom left: Hive Life conference in Sevierville, Tennessee, Jan 7-8, 2022. Right: Beekeeper Charlie Parton wins our 35-pound block of A.H. Meyer capping wax at the Heartland Apiculture Society (HAS) 2022 conference in Evansville, Indiana, on July 1, 2022.
1. We shared the buzz at conferences around the country.
From the Hive Life conference in Sevierville, Tennessee, to the Eastern Apicultural Society (EAS) annual conference in Ithaca, New York, our team traveled over 15,000 miles to meet with beekeepers near and far.
Just as important as educating on our products, we received real, helpful feedback about your hives and management practices. Thank you for your willingness to share your thoughts and ideas.
Left: Custom olive drab green- and desert tan-colored Puracell foundation for the Hives for Heroes conference in Lincoln, Nebraska. Right: Hives for Heroes founder/CEO Steve Jimenez thanks speakers and vendors at the conference.
2. We custom-colored our foundation.
Speaking of conferences, we did something fun for the Hives for Heroes conference in Lincoln, Nebraska: Puracell™ foundation was made in desert tan and olive drab green colors to express our support for the organization and its veterans.
Limited quantities were made and sold out quickly.
3. We launched the all-new Pura™ hive.
Perhaps the most exciting news of the year is the launch of our all-new frames and hive bodies.
Continuing in our mission of providing superior, innovative products to beekeepers at an affordable price, the Pura hive body features enhanced design and materials to work further and last longer for beekeepers.
We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from beekeepers since the launch. It is rewarding to see the team’s vision come to life and the hard work pay off.
Left: Original plastics factory at Premier Bee Products. Right: New woodenware factory while still under construction in July 2022.
4. We built a second (bigger) factory.
As you may have guessed, our expansion into woodenware has required more space and equipment. This year, we completed and moved into our second factory, which is approximately 50% larger than our original.
5. Our team nearly tripled in size.
More important than any structure, our team nearly tripled in size in 2022! It is a great blessing to provide safe, fulfilling jobs for our hard-working staff.
Our amazing team really is the key to our continued success. Without their daily effort, skill, and positive attitudes, the quality of our products would not be where they are today.
Left: Yappy Beeman removes a bee colony from a home near Joppa, Alabama in June 2022. Right: Natalee Summers gives a tour of her home bee yard as part of our “20 Questions” YouTube series.
6. We created some awesome content.
It’s always fun to meet with and create content with other creators and beekeepers.
Whether it was removing bees from an Alabamian home with Yappy Beeman or discussing the latest honey bee research with Dr. Marla Spivak, we enjoyed taking our audience along for the ride through blogs, videos, and the like.
Thousands of beekeepers began following us on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram in 2022. We plan to continue creating more content and providing value through entertainment, education, and insights on our social media channels.
7. We served more beekeepers than ever before.
None of this growth would matter if we weren’t serving more of you, the beekeepers.
Our proudest achievement of 2022 is serving more of you than ever before. Growth is certainly a part of our plan, albeit only as we can maintain the quality our customers have come to expect from us. We intend to never grow too fast that our quality diminishes in any capacity.
2022 was a great year, and we are thankful to all who have come alongside and supported our people and company.
From all of us at Premier Bee, we wish you a happy and prosperous New Year!