Mr. Ed’s Speedy Assembly of Propola Boxes
Our friend, Jeff “Mr. Ed” Horchoff, purchased nearly a whole pallet of Propola hive bodies and documented his assembly process.
You can watch it here.
The Propola hives he purchased have roughened interior walls to encourage propolis collection and restore the propolis envelope inside the hive. This creates a healthy, stable environment for bees.
Add it to the list of many reasons to like Mr. Ed, but you’ll find in the video he assembled 45 of them in less than an hour.
And, of course, all with a big smile.
We designed our Pura Hive and Propola Hive to make assembly easy and effective. That’s why we utilize the half-blind dovetail joinery.
“And what’s nice about these dovetail joints, is that the box is squared up perfectly!”
Thanks, Mr. Ed for sharing your assembly journey!