For the hive, not the humans.
Since their origins, honey bees have been enveloping their nests with a natural substance called propolis. Research has shown that this propolis envelope is a critical part of the colony’s natural defense against disease.
The Propola hive body, with its roughened interior walls, restores the natural propolis envelope inside the Langstroth hive — giving bees the natural habitat they know and need.
“The benefits of the Propola hive are very well documented and scientifically supported. It’s clear that Propola hive bodies will become my standard equipment as I rotate out older boxes. I’m an instant fan.”
Restore the propolis envelope.
The modern, smooth-walled beehive discourages bees from coating their hives in propolis.
The Propola hive features roughened and grooved interior walls to encourage propolis collection and restore the Propolis envelope inside the hive. This creates a healthy, stable environment for your bees.
Propolis surrounds a natural bee nest inside a tree cavity.
2. Resist disease.
Research has shown that the Propola hive leads to many individual- and colony-level health benefits.
The antimicrobial properties of propolis significantly reduce the presence of American foulbrood, European foulbrood, and chalkbrood diseases, among others. There is even some evidence that propolis lowers the fertility of Varroa destructor.
Perhaps more importantly, the propolis envelope greatly reduces bees’ immune response, meaning your bees will feel healthier and be more productive.
3. Raise more bees.
Less disease results in stronger bees and more of them. The Propola hive has shown to increase colony populations by up to 2 frames of bees per hive.
More bees means stronger colonies, more opportunity, and potentially higher survival rates when compared to weak colonies.
“Restoring the propolis envelope is just like washing your hands: It provides basic sanitation and defense against foreign microbes. Help bees help themselves!”
Read the scientific literature:
Shanahan M, Simone-Finstrom M, Tokarz P, Rinkevich F, Read Q.D., Spivak M. Thinking inside the box: Restoring the propolis envelope facilitates honey bee social immunity. PLoS ONE, 2023. (Coming Soon)